I have extensive family records of my Norwegian roots. One direct line has been traced back to the year 850.
Direct Line 1
I gather my ancestors around me, a tribe that spans 1,200 years. Viking blood runs in my veins.
I don’t forget my generations of kings and nobles, warriors and crusaders, my humble farmers, fishers, and immigrants. I honor them all.
Only through their great courage and tenacity, do I live.
Direct Line 2
The roots of my ancestors are 1,200 years deep within the frozen soil of Norway.
The Heimskringla, a saga of kings, tells of the sturdy stems of Vikings - fearless, proud and rapacious.
Would they be disappointed to learn that their DNA now flowers in me — the least of all warriors?
Surely those who came before us in our bloodline have some effect on our spirits. We are all adventurers in our own way.
Ah, yes, the Norwegians! I'm married to an old descendant. Since he is of a calm and good nature, we think his were the ancestors who stayed home in Norway, quietly keeping the home fires burning while the more rambunctious ones went a'viking, as they say.