Flow it, show it, as long as you can grow it!
Straight or curly, always hurly-burly,
snaggy, raggy, wear it really shaggy.
Gleaming, twisted, smooth or ratted,
wear it straggled, frizzy, matted.
Beaded, braided, bangled, spangled,
let your hair be wild and tangled.
1968. Man! What a year that was.
Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, March 10, 1968. Eric Clapton, playing his Gibson ES-330 hollow body, Jack Bruce, on a Gibson SG bass, Ginger Baker with his double bass drums.
I will always remember the sight, the sound, the sheer power of these three young musicians. I felt the very walls of the old auditorium pulsate and expand to accommodate that music.
Of course, my reality may have been slightly altered at that time.
**Click three times and the volume waaaaay up!
• Thank you to
and the for the prompt — “Human Hair” — that spurred this reminiscence.
Yeah well, you know what they sat: if you remember the 60s then you weren't there. Chortle. I remember it well, though I never was in san Francisco or saw the cream. Great times, Sharron, thank you for the memory
Thanks for the Cream video. I have listened to that live recording hundreds of times. I didn't make it to San Francisco until the mid-1980's, so I missed those great performances, but enjoyed eating lunch on a dock overlooking the bay.