Barry? It’s me.
Alice? What the hell time is it? Midnight? What’s going on? You all right?
I’m okay. I … I need money, Barry.
Money? What for?
For bail.
Bail? BAIL? Are you kidding me? What have you done now?
Long story.
Shorten it.
I ran over a bike with my car.
You got arrested for that? Was someone hurt?
Nobody’s hurt, but then I hit a fire hydrant and, you know, it broke and water was spraying everywhere and my car stopped halfway into the front window of a coffee shop.
Were you drinking, Alice?
Uh... maybe.
Okay. I’ll get there soon as I can.
Thanks, Barry.
One more thing, Alice.
This is the last time. The absolute last time.
You can’t call me any more like this. This is it. I won’t pick up next time. I won’t rescue you again. You are an adult and you are on your own. You got that?
You need help, Alice. And you know where to get it.
Yeah, I know.
You could have killed someone.
I know.
So, I am not kidding. This is the last time. Don’t ever call me again like this.
Okay … but …but Barry …?
No. No more. I’m done.
Barry? Barry?
Great story, very powerful
"Alice - here is your dish of tough love." Good one, Sharron!