I wandered into an empty house of worship today and sat down in the silence. I’m not sure why I came in; I’m not a believing man. I have no faith in this god who created humans ‘in his image’, and then sits back and watches as we destroy our planet and slaughter each other across millennia. It makes no sense to me. Why would a benevolent, all-powerful god design humanity with such flaws that we are able to humiliate and torture and destroy those of our own species – carrying out these evils with righteousness, often with the very name of god on our lips? Why would I have faith in that?
They say that god is good and omnipotent. Why, then does he not just end evil in the world, and allow the people he created to live in peace? Or are we all just expendable pawns in some twisted cosmic game? I have no answers.
And yet … and yet – here I sit, alone in this quiet sanctuary, comforted by a breath of incense, by the warm flicker of candles, by the sunlight that filters in through bits of colored glass and falls upon my face.
I believe no one is listening, but all the same, I am human. And so I pray.
Perhaps through the contemplation of these contradictions, the man will learn to look for goodness around him. One can hope.
The cruelty seen strengthens/perhaps?
The juxtapositions drive me nuts, still prayer is our voice to omnipresent energy, however that may be semi-understood.