A horror soon at the doorstep of all our lives, yes, as we know people are volunteering for the chip in some European countries, as well as the public traffic cameras there and here....

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I live at the corner of two numbered highways. Ambulance and fire trucks are through here many times a day. I am happy for the traffic cameras to stop traffic for them. If they are keeping records, courts and Insurance companies would be happy to have record of who caused the crashes.

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I was thinking of all the thriller movies in England, where the people are tracked thru the traffic cams, not just the vehicles.... :)

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Yes. I have seen a couple and they are terrifying. In one, the person lives in assigned apartment, duplicate of all the others. EVerything is watched. Garbage trucks occasionally clear out whole apartments, with suspiciously body shaped packages too. Hero escapes and rides back of the truck, but is clam-shelled into it. end of movie. It starts somewhere doesn't it. Body chips strike me as obvious. When buy-chips refuse a purchase... or all of them... then what.

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Right you are!

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Then what is probably elimination, but I will never bow to it!

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I am sure they would, Kate. I am sure they would. But remember, the first federal income tax was in 1861. It was 3% and it was a "temporary measure". HAH! Once the feds get a foot in the door, it never closes... Which makes today's politics even scarier, in my opinion.

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They see it happening and welcome it with open arms. Scary.

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I'm a "paring knife" girl. Simplicity wins. I am not fond of this kind of technology. I won't be chipped voluntarily. It <could> be secretly forced during other surgery. Would this be ordered for court criminal IDs? I use cash for everything possible, in or out.

WHo has access to whatever information is on the chip, I am already not happy with the constant demands from computer to confirm who I am with codes sent to email to copy and paste into the weather channel, or this one. Is knowledge being rationed? What movie was that where "the old" were not allowed in the city anymore and insiders were recycled at young age? I'm already outside the city, and happy to opt out of that kind of technology. No house robot for me. House LIBRARY for me yes. Thousands of technical books (with real paper and ink) lining my walls make me happy. I don't have to prove who I am to take one off the shelf.

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Smart girl. Hold back the tide as much as one person can.

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What are these people thinking? Are they thinking? Or are they lemmings scurrying toward the cliff en masse?

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I continue to cling to analog methods of moving money around. The chip cards are one thing, but I've yet to create a "wallet" in my phone so I can just wave it around everywhere I go. It removes any mindfulness about spending money, IMO. It shouldn't be such a passive activity! We should think before we spend!

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In that case, I better cancel my Amazon Prime membership...

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We cancelled ours a couple of years ago. No regrets!

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Hmmnnnn….. did you plagiarize this from Trump’s playbook?

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What is chilling is that people are so heedless and jump on it without ever thinking of consequences. Mass hypnosis.

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Look down. Facial recognition identification of wrinkles, pixels in your eyes tattoos translates into some sees pool that can be flushed if We have the last laugh and resist. See the nose piercing on video review tonight.

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You pegged it.

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Big Brother, and his Psycho Cousin, have definitely arrived. Very nice, Sharron !

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Scary business. And we just sit back and watch it happen... Thanks, Ron!

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The difference between paranoia, fear, and courage in the face of these emotions is such a thread! Thanks for posting and with the video of this post another video on YouTube followed that is an interview with Bill Gates which is incredibly encouraging. He is such a nerd and has founded a great impetus toward world health through his foundation and his regular communication with world leaders.


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Thank you, Jill-ness! Happy weekend to you!

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o! I just returned from a walk in the woods with a combination of fear, paranoia, and repressible courage. The snow that melted a bit yesterday has turned into an ice sheet.

Therefore I had to be alert, smiling, and extra careful....ahhh you are never more alive tan when you truly need that courage, are you?

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Very scary and very real. That's not the world I want to live in.

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No, me neither. Thanks Janice.

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I don't like the idea....but then, my bank, my insurance, my doctors, and my grocery store all have information about me. Information I assume they use to "better my experience." Hmmm...

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Excellent story that echoes elements in 1984 and other books of that era. The thought crimes and surveillance of who associates with whom, if a person deviates from routine, or buying a food product that is inappropriate for their health. That's coming soon if not already here. It's bad enough when a nosy grocery checker questions or teases you about your choices, but to have a government agency or other monitor your every move is a nightmare.

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