Off to a good start!

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Thank you, Linda. It is not too late for Bartle Clunes. He is a good man and deserves good things. As do all of us with pure hearts! Right?

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Love your descriptive narrative, dialogue & kitchen pics, Sharon. Looking forward to the hook up of these two! 💕

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Great! Just remember a hook up in 1949 is probably not going to be like a hookup in 2022 .. a little slower and a little more cautious, but you will like it. Hang in. Ha Ha

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I love the atmosphere. The writing is easy, and inviting. The descriptions leave just enough to the imagination: "Bartle Clunes was a fine looking man, she observed, not for the first time, and he was made even more attractive by the fact that he did not know it." Excellent!

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Wow! Thank you so much, Ben, for this very thoughtful comment. And welcome to 🍁Leaves. You have so many choices on Substack, so I appreciate your choosing my tiny corner of the room. I hope you find a bit of entertainment here!

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Happy to visit. You might even like some of my stuff. We seem to be two peas in a pod in that we like looking back at a quieter time in life.

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You bet, Scribbler, I will come by for a visit this afternoon.

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Thanks for sending this promptly, I was out walking in the sunny cool September fields.

Now mind is cleared--both by the start of your book and the fresh outdoors.

I just hope I can continue to find the following chapters!!

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Let me know if I can help you. Glad to offer any assistance I can.

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