Most of the language I use in this story, James, is the language of my grandmother - her idioms and expression, her grammar. I must have soaked it in growing up because it came pouring out on the page. I hope you will like this plain little story and the good people in it.
Awww, such a nice Thanksgiving!
Old-fashioned. No cellphones on the table... everyone talking to each other. What a concept....
I don't recall ever hearing "at sixes and sevens" before. Where have I been?? : ) How neat to remember times such as you write.
Most of the language I use in this story, James, is the language of my grandmother - her idioms and expression, her grammar. I must have soaked it in growing up because it came pouring out on the page. I hope you will like this plain little story and the good people in it.
Much to be thankful for, indeed.
I wonder if those men ever offered to wash the dishes...
How could they not after that giving of thanks?