Sweet, but tempered with a little spice. I love small little happenings in Riles Crossing.. They each are like the whale from The Old Man and the Sea...but all great writing, that draws one in, is personal and each of us has our own way to make sense of it.

This story and insight has made me think of a real place I have in Canada which has a little cabin off the grid you can only arrive by boat 3 miles of lake to cross. When I am there, All perspectives on what is important change.

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Yes. I understand how that works. When I am in Scotland, I am Scottish. Everything in my head changes in the highlands. I have traveled for weeks with only a small 23" suitcase. I am amazed at how much I don't need. Every time I come home, I start giving things away... As for Riles Crossing, I have lived with those people as if they were alive.

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Beautiful comment. And do you live now in the west?

I, too, have an ongoing recycling pile for a nearby, sort of, store where 100% is donated to the local food kitchen!

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I was born in Santa Cruz, CA, and still live here. I've traveled a lot in my life, but home is always here. It feels good to clean out those closets, doesn't it? Empty those drawers and cabinets and shelves and put things in the hands of those who need it. At my age, I am down to the bare essentials. When I am gone, my son will have very few tiings to deal with. My parting gift to him.

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Not even close--that's me! I have far too much. But will follow up this with an email to you

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