Lovely imagery Sharron. Penzoil thermometer broiling on the side of a faded red barn. I can see it. I love stories that leave me wandering. I was on path but now where do I go. Beautiful.

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Thank you, Tim. So glad you took the time to comment here. It means a lot to me.

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This does not sound like a happy woman. What the money is for makes the turning point. Seems like she'd like to be somewhere else from where she is. Is it just the weather, or is it the life she's got now? "The field" sounds like farm; sounds like working man. No clue if they like each other. Three miles to horizon here means trees at the end, corn and soybeans close, all sides quit by three miles, except one where the rise is closer. What year is she in? What do tickets to other where cost? Nearly 100 bucks could be a good cow depending on when she is. She's not fond of prepping chicken, but doesn't say how she feels about the company coming. Chicken prep is the same if only she and John are eating. Will it be one or two in the pan tonight... You put us right there at the sink knowing water splashed on the apron.

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Glad you liked this. I thank you for reading it a second time.

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Ahh, the lure of the infinite over the finite! Such a dream of freedom.

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Yes. Purposely left vague. Women daydream about so many things, especially when they feel trapped or lonely, or regretful.

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Men too!

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Oh! You got me, Jim! Right you are.

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I wouldn't be too surprised if John is also dreading his daily chores, daydreaming about a better elsewhere, and secretly saving up to escape.

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Hah! Very possibly, Jim.

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Sadness, then hope … the weight of life, the lightness of possibilities …

Lovely writing, Sharron. Drawing the reader in to an unfamiliar world that they don’t want to leave, needing to know ‘what next’

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Yes. I wonder "what next", too. About a lot of things, I have to say.

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That last line is intriguing ... leaving us whispering "more please."

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Ah well, Sue, that "more" part will have to play around in your head, because I don't know what comes next for Myrtle. I think she just represents the yearning and regret women often feel.

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Poor Myrtle. I have the feeling that her happiness may not depend on where she is but rather who she is in her own estimation. At least there is hope and ninety-seven dollars.

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Hope and Ninety-seven Dollars. An excellent title for part two of Myrtle Dean. Thank you Jim.

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Sounds like Myrtle is saving up for a change. Wonder if John is in her future?

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Hard to know if it is John she wants to leave behind or the Midwest landscape. I may need a part two...

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Working hard, wanting more😓

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Thanks so much, Yael!

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Such desperation is heartbreaking. The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence. I wish her well. Nicely rendered Sharron, you capture her situation perfectly.

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Vivid imagery, Sharron! I felt her desperation. She’s trying to cap that anticipation…take care of today’s misery, and dream of 𝙖𝙣𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 but now. I’ve plucked chickens, and the smell of it can make you ill.

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Thank you, Sharon!

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When I read about the cool breeze on her bare arms, I could feel it and smell it.

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Ah. I was hoping you could, Penny. Thank you. Part 2 of Myrtle Dean will be sent on Wednesday! She what she did with her saved money...

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This is excellent, Sharron. Absolutely leaves the reader wanting more.

Rich, vivid prose, this line especially: The scent of pine, the shrill call of the loons at nightfall.

You draw on all the senses!

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🌿LEAVES is such a tiny island in the Great Substack Sea. I sure am grateful that you navigate over this way, Nathan. Thank you.

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You left me hanging. I need more! 🤓

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