Wow that is such great reading for the wearily travellers of the world; keep it up, I for one love it 😳👏👏

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Hooray! Glad it made you laugh this morning, Chris! Here are some more travel tales, if you are interested in a few more laughs about life on the road. https://sharronbassano.substack.com/s/travel-tales

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Thanks, Ken. I hope it made you start the day with a laugh. I sure did love your last piece. Your art and photos astound me.

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Yes my dear, you can have that road all to yourself. Enjoy ))))

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My traveling is all from my Laz-E-Boy now, Kate. But I would pack my bag right this minute if I could. So many more places I want to see - Iceland! Norway! Tuscany! Maine! Sigh.

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Outstanding prose!

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Thanks so much Linda.

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Spending the night in a converted janitorial closet: €50.

A laugh out loud funny essay based on the experience: Priceless.

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Oh, Dalton! So glad this amused you this morning. A better way to start the day than reading the news, I promise you. Have a lovely week end

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You too, Sharron!!

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Such a delight, Sharron - I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to read this post from your archive.

I laughed and nodded and nodded and laughed all the way through. This is fabulous: "...the lone mature woman in well-scuffed orthopedic oxfords who operates primarily on daydreams...'. And your list of 'issues' is hilarious!

I love all your writing but I have a particular fondness for your travel posts. Truly gorgeous! 😘

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Thank you, Rebecca. Writing it down, all the tiny memories of my solo road trips come flooding back. It is the only way I travel now.

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I found I can identify with many of the issues and questions you have come up with while traveling. Though they won't be answered, it won't matter to anyone who is a "lover of the road". Congrats on having this piece published! Deservingly so, Sharon!

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Thank you, James. It was such a big deal for me to appear in the SF newspaper. It was the first time I realized, "Hey, maybe I CAN write." The verdict is still out, of course, but I am giving it my best shot - as are you, my friend!

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If you originally posted this 2 years ago I don't know how I found it before, because I'm a new subscriber. But I KNOW I've read this because I remember making a comment about the homicide in the other room 😂 This whole piece is priceless and reminds me of many personal travel stories. 👏👏

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Yes! You did read it before, Kristi. I believe you commented on a recent article of mine that you liked and I sent you a link to this one in the comments. It is one of my favorites.

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Aha!! Thats it! Regardless, I was happy to read it again. I LOVE travel shenanigans 🤪

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STop half way for a week in INdiana for Bobbin Lace 101. I'll feed ya too. )))

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In my dreams, kiddo.

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I agree with everyone else - this is a delightful story in every regard.

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Thanks, Janice! Lots of fun stuff out there in foreign lands, that's for sure.

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I read this and I felt panic rising in my chest. Your artful turn of phrase reminded me of eras past when I did travel abroad without planning and knowing next to nothing of how to manage alone in a foreign place--and only with limited cash in my pocket. I avoid traveling of any kind like the plague... and it is the greatest irony that I, the typical travelphobe, was forced by circumstances to repeatedly cross continents and oceans always persecuted by panic attacks. Reading your story from my present safe location, behind my desk, my skin crawled with the nagging fear of airports, train stations, sea ports, and the NY Port Authority. Numbah One piece Sharon.... as always!!!!!

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Sorry for the anxiety!! I meant to make you laugh. I should introduce you to my friend, Kate. She hates traveling too - She lets me know why in the comments section of every travel article I post! ha ha ha You two are two of a kind in that regard.

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I knew a Kate back in the day... and we were more that just good friends. She was though travel-crazed and that led to separation. I remember her fondly though!

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ok. Mine too )))

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Ah Sharron, you would have been such a delightful traveling companion. Your attitude...not frustration, not acceptance....just reveling in the unexpected moments...it's the best.

Even though I have read your story before, I could read it many more times and still find myself cringing and laughing at the same time.

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Oh Heather ! I am pretty sure you and I could get in all kinds of trouble. One of us would be a such a bad influence on the other... not sure who that would be...

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Oh, definitely you.... I'm such an 😇 haha.

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I’ve said it before Sharron, no one writes more captivating travel stories than you. This one is 5 star!!

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A five-star description of a half-star hotel.... I'll take it! Thanks, Jim.

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Did you have one of these?

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Uh.... no. That was in Luxembourg, so I may have been eating Gromperekichelcher or

Huesenziwwi. Ha ha ha !

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Fantastic! Keep traveling, I need more stories.

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Here you go, Amie. Some pretty funny stuff in Italy, France, Sardinia, Hungary, Scotland

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