I love it when you take us on one of your solo travels. You paint beautiful and detailed pictures. Thank you.

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"more entertaining than the daily news."! Thanks for reminding me of Italy. Felt like I was there. My trip was much too short for what I wanted to take in.

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"Nothing makes me feel more alive than stepping off a train or a ferry in a place I have never been before, and wondering what is in store around the next dimly lit corner." Love these travel pieces Sharron. You inspire me to get out and finally see the world.

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I’m so there with you on solo travel, except for that time I got an appendectomy in Haiti, and those nasty boils in South Sudan, and the not just Montezuma’s revenge, but the revenge of his entire extended family. Also, the midnight kidney stone in that former Stalin Youth “resort” near Prague. Other than that and a few other little inconveniences, I’m all about solo travel.

I also have a thing about arriving at a country cold. The more one travels, the harder it is to remain completely ignorant, but I really enjoy letting a country teach me about itself. I’ll eat anything that doesn’t have a face or a mother. Hotels? It’s only for one night and I can put up with anything for one night. I learned long ago not to sleep next to walls, because rats run next to walls. Bedding not up to my standards? Newspapers are an excellent emergency hack, and you can also read yourself to sleep.

Always treat people who point guns at you with respect and acknowledge the spark of Divinity that resides in each one of them.

I find I’m less likely to commit murder if I let someone else drive.

It’s always more fun to get lost unless your plane leaves in hour, but don’t panic. There is always another flight in a week of two.

Learn local prices early on, because it can save you a lot of money in unexpected ways. In England, I once rented a tiny car with a tiny diesel engine. Diesel fuel was almost $8 per gallon, but vegetable cooking oil was less than $5 per gallon. The little car’s cholesterol levels dropped like a rock and the exhaust smelled yummy.

Remember to look the correct direction before you cross a street. Most countries with free national healthcare subsidized the cost from insurance reimbursements from Americans who forget what side of the road people drive on This advice doesn’t apply in places like Italy, where there is no correct side to drive on.

That’s all for now.

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Solo travelling is such an adventure, and this really comes across in your post. Gorgeous!

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Unfortunately, Substack will only let me give you one heart on this post. It deserves many more.

It’s poetry, beautifully rhythmic and should be read aloud.

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Sharron Bassano

Thanks. I'll just read about it. ))


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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Sharron Bassano

You love adventure and new places, but maYbe Indiana would be enough of a new place for a little while. My born family is out near you. toooo far to see more than once a year. Chosen family are scattered here too in different states, but not as far away as CA. We see each other 3 or 4 times a year. The gather places are the same set year after year, so all familiar places. Familiar vs completely new.... that's ok. We are close as the keyboard Hugs on ya )))K

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I'm with Kate, I'll just enjoy reading about these wonderful places. I don't think I have an active travel alone gene.

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Love that part of the world and love your writing too! Keep up the great work 🍁🍁

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