Amazing visions. These ease the emotions too. Better stress reliever than beer. Almost forgot a difficult decision looming for a long while now. Still gathering information. Hoping for self resolution, but probably already know the answer. Detailed input early today or tomorrow. As much as in the story.

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Albert has quite the patter, both correct and slick. Logan is willing to experiment - what could go wrong?? I think this is one of your best stories, Sharron. I look forward to more of Reena's field notes.

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Hey. This was supposed to be a one-part deal. What happened? So glad you are reading it, Ron.

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Quite a fun read….. their plans for Planet L-726 surely will be better than those of our current ‘leader’. In quotes for a reason.

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How hard would it be to be to do better? I mean, seriously?

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So many not-so-far-fetched ideas implanted by you in our emotions and thoughts. A superb way of seeing ourselves from as far outside of ourselves as possible, IF that is at all possible! I look forward to more and wherever your synapses travel, take me along!

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Thank you, Jill! I hope I have more. I may be running out of ideas. I never know. In any case, I think the last line of part three could be an effective ending. It tickles me that you find this exploration interesting.

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You never know where ideas come from, but they COME and are consistent--on Leaves, there's no timeline or deadline for ideas...keep your mind as free as the leaves that come and grow without diminishing anything!

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Thanks, Jill. I try to get it right, but it is hit or miss. So glad you like this one.

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And isn't "right" just a silly little concept? If it's right for you, then it's definitely your perspective and fine! Many ways to be and yours has such authenticity, even when it's sci-fi.

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I love observing Earthlings, and their habits, from an alien's point of view! Who knew we could be that interesting? Logan certainly appears to be a great "teacher!' I surmise that the picture of him. I think I could use a few "refresher sessions..."

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Well, who couldn't!?

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Hi Sharron, This is such an interesting, creative series—different and innovative. I wonder what the plans are for Planet L-726. Will we ever know? To Be Determined, I suspect.

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Well, whatever their plans, could they be worse, I wonder, than the plans our current leadership has for us? And I use the term "leadership" very loosely. What a circus.

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I couldn't agree more. I am just heartsick at what is going on - daily. Where are we headed?

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I , for one, am headed under the blankets until it is over.

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Dear Sharron,

I've read all three parts now ... I've got something for you to play with. There was ONE point where our protagonist said she "felt sad" - I believe in part one - but so far that is the only "feeling" she's expressed to us. If she is in fact, a being capable of experiencing emotions, like sadness, I would LOVE to see more of that revealed in this tale. If not in her "records" which I would expect to be fact based and informative - then perhaps in another form ... could she have a personal journal she keeps apart from her work as a scout? Is there someone from her home planet that she is thinking about while she's on duty? Someone she misses? Someone she might compare to the humans she's encountering? As for her encounter with Logan ... I was missing the feelings. I want to believe she was having them ... even if she didn't understand them completely ... and I was also wondering if you might include some insight as to what she actually looks like before she connects with Logan. Does she have a human form? Or is she very clearly NOT human once she's in the buff? In which case you may want to unpack that BEFORE she gets naked with Logan. It could be a great way to insert that TENSION we were talking about. :-)

I hope that's helpful! It's such an interesting POV, and I love the way you construct her language around our earthly cultural weirdness. There's a fabulous cartoonist, Nathan Pyle, who writes a comic called Strange Planet which is all about aliens living as earthlings. The way they talk about our everyday stuff is so charming and insightful. https://www.instagram.com/p/DG-9prfpj9H/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

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Thanks so much Meg, for these detailed comments. It takes time, so I am really appreciative. Reena is writing field reports to her boss, in which she uses formal or academic language. I wanted only objective reports of what she sees and her initial interpretations, devoid of feelings. ( Maybe her species no longer have emotions?) I would like her to develop and learn to express feelings via her connection with Logan --become more "human", so to speak. I should not have used that one word "sad" in part 1, and will change it. The tricky part is finding another way to show how she begins to transform as I am not sure it is appropriate for field reports. I was thinking I would present dialog between Logan and Reena for the next part and then close with her sending her final report back to her home planet - which will be something unexpected. I will sit down and consider how to resolve the other issues you have mentioned here. Now the hard part begins....

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Just curious, Sharron — is Reena driving the series, or do you come up with a new scenario and go from there?

Asking because I and other writers (on Substack and Medium) have discussed how sometimes we think of a plot, then add characters; sometimes we think of a character, then give them something to do; sometimes a character shows up out of nowhere and starts annoying the living crap out of us until we write down their story (into which other characters may wander uninvited and with no warning).

I had a story that started as a plot idea. Then another plot idea came up, so I continued the first story a few years later, with the original characters but adding a couple, including a young kid. Then the kid had her own ideas, so Part 3 happened... and I no sooner got that posted than I have the now-grown character start nudging me with more things she needed to tell me. NOW. Readers commented that they liked Part 4 better than Part 1, and TBH they barely resemble each other.

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Good question, Jack. Thank you. ALL my fiction is character driven. I have a person (often in a photo). I don't know who she is or what she wants or what she will do. I put her in a detailed setting and let her begin to "talk." I write for a while and PRAY a plot will arise. Your stories, like mine, have a life that grows organically -- sometimes slowly, sometimes remarkably fast. The process you describe in the last paragraph in your comment sounds familiar. Sometimes I don't even know what my story is about until it's finished. Some of mine never get off the ground or stop at 50 words. Often though, I write a page and post it, thinking the story is finished. Three chapters later it is still going on in my head and won't let me stop.

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Awesome Sue! Keep at it you’re in the zone.

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👍🏻 Thanks. I might try one more chapter...

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