Field Notes on Planet L-726 • Part 1
"Civilization on this planet, at first view, seems to be much less evolved than we had anticipated ... a FOUR-MINUTE report from Reena.
This is Part 1 of Field Notes. For Part 2, click HERE
Part 3 is HERE
Initial Field Notes
Planet L-726
From: Reena Bejj - Scout, Level A, ♀︎
I’ve been sleeping on a mattress on a bare wood floor. I have a single blanket to ward off the cold; it’s heavy, made of some unidentified, animal-sourced fiber. The blanket feels rough against my face and has an acrid smell of burned leaves, but I’m grateful to have it, as it’s much colder here than I’d anticipated. The atmosphere is experiencing intermittent frozen precipitation, and I have come inadequately prepared for the prevailing low temperatures.
At this moment, a small, many-legged thing has skittered out from under the water containment basin. I don’t know what it is, but it appears to be a living thing, not mechanical. I’ve observed several in this place. They do not approach me, but I’m keeping a watchful eye until I determine their purpose.
Luckily, I found this empty building, this uninhabited room, in which to establish a temporary base. It’s unsanitary and appears to have been abandoned. I cannot imagine anyone living in such hygienically unsound conditions.
A cabinet with a rudimentary water source is in one corner of the room. A primitive waste removal system is in a small separate space. Everything is dirty and crude, yet it somehow remains serviceable. The only furnishings are the mattress and blanket, one broken chair, and a small table, that curiously has three legs, 86 cm in length and one leg 84 cm in length. I’ve not deduced the purpose of this rocking table.
The atmosphere is, of course, adequate, but quite malodorous. I’m slowly becoming inured to the smell. Cold water is plentiful and non-toxic. It tastes of rust, but scanning shows that the oxidation arises from the ancient delivery system of metallic piping, and not of the water itself.
There’s one window which looks down onto a wide thoroughfare. It provides a good view of the human species in transit, and of their various primitive modes of transport. All those who are walking stare at small screens that look to be permanently affixed to their hands. I believe these screens are their leaders, or perhaps guides, without which they are unable to function. But I am not sure of this. They do seem to be essential. I don’t see humans interacting much with others of their species, and have no idea why that is.
Many have small animals that they lead around on a long heavy string. These animals may represent symbiotic relationships, or consensual alliances or perhaps a type of enslavement. They seem to interact with these small creatures more than they do with each other. Adults who are walking, often push their young about in small carts with oversized wheels. It’s a bit comical.
There are many rudimentary, two-wheeled transports, that are foot-powered, making use of revolving pedals. The noisy four-wheeled transports have crude engines that befoul the atmosphere to a high degree. When operating these modes of transport, the drivers continue to consult their small screens. I plan to make a particular study of this bizarre behavior. I want to understand how and why the human species became dependent on them.
I’ve just made my first close contact with a human. Last night a male of the species entered this space with no warning. He had a small black-furry creature with him, tied to a long cord. The human appeared surprised to see me, but he didn’t demonstrate any hostility, aggression, or fear. In fact, he seemed to be in a somewhat contented, dreamlike state.
He sat on the floor and talked with me for a while, as if he knew me well, but I was unable to comprehend the message. He mentioned “visions” and something he called “god”, for which I have no context. The long hair on his head was lavishly braided and adorned; he had dramatic facial hair as well. He offered me a dried pungent herb from a small bag, in exchange for allowing him to sleep here. I perceived no harm in his proposal and accepted the trade. He then began a kind of ritual — he took off his covering garments and generously offered himself to me. As I had not been briefed on this particular behavior, I thanked him and politely declined. He curled up in a corner with his small animal and went to sleep. They were gone when I awoke this morning. I don’t know if they’ll return.
I’ve been here now for three revolutions of this planet — three light-phases, and three dark. My first impression of civilization on Planet L-426 is that it is much less evolved than we’d anticipated, My initial plan is to explore the following:
Determine the purpose of the small screens and learn how have they become an intrinsic part of the human experience.
Study the nature of humans’ relationship to their small animals.
Learn the meaning of the lavish arrangement and adornment of the male humans’ hair.
Discover what the trading or giving of herbs signifies. A form of currency? A symbol of welcome?
Find a translation of the word god.
Clarify the significance of the offering of one's unclothed body to another, and take part in the complete ritual.
I will begin data collection tomorrow, out among the people on the grid-pattern of this place they call Man-Hat-Tan.
Reena Bejj, Scout, Level A, ♀︎
“Find a translation of the word god. “ — good luck with that one Reena!
“I believe these screens are their leaders, or perhaps guides, without which they are unable to function.”
Nailed it. Ah, humans.