Field Notes on Planet L-726 • Part 2
Many human males wrap a noose-like knot tightly around their neck every morning and wear it all day. Could this self-inflicted strangulation be a symbol of atonement? A SIX MINUTE Read
Reena’s FIRST Field Report on Planet L-726 — is HERE if you want to review.
Field Report 3 is HERE if you would like to continue.
Second Field Report
Planet L-726
From: Reena Bejj - Scout, Level A, ♀︎
I’m slowly making progress here on Planet L-726, but I admit it’s been challenging. The cultural manifestations I am currently exploring here in the large settlement called Man-Hat-Tan, are set down here.
1. Random notes regarding human adornments or garments:
Many human males wrap a noose-like knot tightly around their neck every morning and wear it all day. Could this self-strangulation be a symbol of atonement? A punishment? Does it make them more attractive to females? I cannot explain it.
Most males keep their legs covered. Females often leave their legs bare. Females can wear males’ clothing, but males do not wear females’ clothing, as a rule. There are a few exceptions.
Some small areas of the human body are always covered — never displayed or exposed in public by either males or females. I have not learned why. Perhaps it is simply tradition.
Most females paint their faces with black rings around their eyes, bright red tints to their mouths. They hang shiny adornments from their ears (!) Some have permanent symbols and patterns added to their skin, called ta-tu. Strangest of all are the platformed or spiked foot-coverings in which the females walk. I’ve experimented with these odd shoes, as they are called, and they’re unstable and painful. Are taller females more desirable? Is this self-inflicted hobbling of the feet intended to attract the best males? Are human males more attracted to unsteady, vulnerable females?
I still haven’t found an explanation for the human ritual of disrobing and offering one’s unclothed body to another human. I suspect now, that it may be a part of their primitive mating process. However, I have not found myself in a position to observe or take part in this ritual as yet.
2. I’ve been riding on their highly populated underground transport system in order to observe human behavior and listen in on oral interactions, but so far, my attempts to establish verbal intercourse with them have failed.
As I first reported, everyone’s eyes are fully engaged with their small screens at all times. Their ears are also plugged with buttons or covered with large ear-caps, so neither their eyes nor ears are open to me — or to any of their surroundings, really. I haven’t determined what it is they are all listening to or looking at, but it must be truly important. It’s obvious they’re unable to function without the help of these devices.
I noticed today that some have screens and chips permanently embedded in the flesh of their hands. Many also wear leather shackles on their wrists that light up, vibrate, click or chime with regularity. Is this for their convenience or their continuing education in some way? Or is it to ensure that they are controlled or subdued? Perhaps there is one single group-consciousness that they all must join and adhere to?
In any case, those that I approach look at me suspiciously. They seem incredulous that I would actually try to elicit face-to-face conversation. Apparently it is simply not done. I must find a way.
3. I have found two exceptions to this constant electronic monitoring. One is a small dark gathering place nearby. It is called “Giorgio’s ”. I have made night visits to this space for observations, and find mostly younger people are in attendance. Screens and ear-covers are not present here. Everyone communicates in other ways, such as face-to-face speech, ( though it is difficult, as the ambient sound decibels are extremely high ). They also seem to communicate with certain subtle facial expressions — a raising of the eyebrow, a blinking of one eye, a tilt of the head; or with broad gestures, such as hip-swaying, arm-waving or the shaking of shoulders. I note also that they seem to participate in pairs in ritualized body movement to what is called mu-zik. ( see below) I believe this may also be part of their mating ritual. I notice that the females who go to Giorgio’s wear reduced body coverings.
4. Humans have an art form whereby they arrange harmonic sounds and rhythms so as to produce a continuous, melodic composition. It is called mu-zik, and it’s created by blowing through metal pipes or manipulating taut pieces of thread or banging rhythmically on hollow, barrel-like instruments. Those who make mu-zik appear on street corners, and in the transport system and in various indoor gathering places. The auditory sensation of mu-zik fills the air at night in Man-Hat-Tan; it is ubiquitous, an integral part of human experience. It disturbs my sleep.
5. I’ve learned more about the small furry animals that accompany many humans. They are called dogs. I first hypothesized that these were symbiotic relationships, or consensual alliances. Even perhaps a type of enslavement. Through further observation, however, I find that dogs are the dominant species when paired with humans. Humans, appear to derive much pleasure from them and are perfectly willing to provide food for them, sleep with them, caress them, groom them, and pick up their waste products (which dogs carelessly deposit on the public thoroughfares). I note that Dog is god spelled backward. Does this offer some sort of clue as to their relevance? Is the god dog-like? Is a dog god-like? Just a thought. (More on the god below.)
It is a mystery as to when it becomes appropriate to eat dogs. Vendors on the thoroughfares in parts of this city sell processed, cooked dogs wrapped in bread. Do dogs lose their power and are then recycled? Do they mature to an appropriate age for eating? I, myself, do not care to taste them.
6. I have found very little information about the human concept of something they call the “god”, which I believe may be some sort of guiding influence in their lives — perhaps accessed through their screens and ear buttons? I have found no one willing to address my questions on this topic, but there are entire structures dedicated to it. They are large, ornate, quiet edifices. Those who enter these spaces put their screens and ear buttons away. Do they somehow communicate in a different way with the god. Is it telepathic? Is it symbolic only?
These large beautiful buildings have a particular kind of carved statuary related to this god concept. The only other place I have seen this kind of statuary is on a small island visible from the shore, where a monumental green figure stands dressed in long robes and an impressive headpiece of golden spikes. Could this be a representation of the god?
7. I’ve just begun a study of different rankings in the human social structure here, but I am not clear yet on what these rankings are based. Their class system may be related to their skin colors ( of which there are many), or their gender ( which also seem to be multiple or fluid in nature. ) Symbols of these classes may be seen in their hair arrangements or clothing types. Further inquiry is needed to determine how they sort themselves.
Reena Bejj - Scout, Level A, ♀︎
Photo of “Reena Bejj” is by Marina Vitale on Unsplash.
Self-strangulation! Hah! Males. And females on spiked heels. Hah! Everyone tethered. Oh my! Such captivity as seen from afar, without cultural precedents.
How does this observer determine which are males and which are females? And the mixes!
Wondering when CATS will come into the picture, since dogs are leading the humans who are enslaved to picking up their poop and then perhaps EATING something akin to their poop???
Oh so many questions this wondrous alien brings up! ( your avatar?)
...determine how they sort themselves... the humans haven't figured that out yet either.
I'm enjoying this story )))