I remember well my days of writing on an IBM Selectric. Laying typed pages out onto the floor, shuffling page order, cutting and pasting sheets. I knew I was getting somewhere ONLY by the number of wadded up balls of paper scattered on the floor around my desk. My little Apple 2E was such a gift!
I remember well my days of writing on an IBM Selectric. Laying typed pages out onto the floor, shuffling page order, cutting and pasting sheets. I knew I was getting somewhere ONLY by the number of wadded up balls of paper scattered on the floor around my desk. My little Apple 2E was such a gift!
I remember well my days of writing on an IBM Selectric. Laying typed pages out onto the floor, shuffling page order, cutting and pasting sheets. I knew I was getting somewhere ONLY by the number of wadded up balls of paper scattered on the floor around my desk. My little Apple 2E was such a gift!