I love that you are making me guess what you are describing. Just as Reena does. I mean, gyrating men punishing a round egg -- are we talking about playing soccer? Discs in liquid bathing structure -- Is it dishes in the dishwater? Reminds me of Rorschach tests.
I love that you are making me guess what you are describing. Just as Reena does. I mean, gyrating men punishing a round egg -- are we talking about playing soccer? Discs in liquid bathing structure -- Is it dishes in the dishwater? Reminds me of Rorschach tests.
I love that you are making me guess what you are describing. Just as Reena does. I mean, gyrating men punishing a round egg -- are we talking about playing soccer? Discs in liquid bathing structure -- Is it dishes in the dishwater? Reminds me of Rorschach tests.
Hah! I felt that a bit with your descriptions, too. It really put me in Reena’s head, highlighting the absurdity of things we do.
Gyrating men could be soccer, baseball, bocce. The forgotten discs I imagined as retrieving coins in a fountain—are they precious jewels? 🤣