( inspired by writings from the Bahà ’à Faith )
She is a broken-winged bird, her flight is very slow.
Comfort her with your compassion.
He’s single, alone and lowly, he’s lost all hope.
Console him with your friendship.
Will you be the helper of the poor?
Are you the defender of the weak?
The protector of the little ones?
( a variation on the theme of a larger piece I posted 9/ 18. I wrote this version for - Fifties by the Fire. See this week’s clever entries at .
She feels her way through a darkling cave
and wades through slimy grimy bog
and icky sticky spider webs
the hurry scurry of fangs and claws
the foulish howl of rabid beasts!
A bony finger reaches out.
She screeches out and swiftly turns.
She strikes and bites,
and … then …. wakes up.
Friends, let me introduce Tom Cornfoot!
If you seek high-quality micro-fiction, I invite you to get acquainted with this fine Substack writer.
writes . His voice is fresh and new, his themes are intriguing. A young man with a mature, confident writing style, he has been a rising star in this mega Substack Universe for one year and I thought I would help you find him! Here are two exemplary proofs of his artistry:The Gutter 5 minutes
The River 14 minutes
Night Terrors: I really like how you've boiled this down from the original story. It's even more effective as a poem. Beautiful in a creepy way.
Re: Tom Cornfoot: I just read "The River." Outstanding story and wonderful writing. Thank you for spotlighting him. We need more literary fiction like this on Substack.
Excellent, Sharron! And thank you for recommending Tom’s work. I’ll have to check out his stories.