Night Terrors: I really like how you've boiled this down from the original story. It's even more effective as a poem. Beautiful in a creepy way.
Re: Tom Cornfoot: I just read "The River." Outstanding story and wonderful writing. Thank you for spotlighting him. We need more literary fiction like this on Substack.
Thanks for giving Tom a try. I well remember when you started out on shaky legs. Look at you now - so many fans!
Regarding this poem, I intended it to be creepy, but it morphed into something more Dr. Seuss-like with the silly rhymes that kept jumping in. A children's spook story.
Good question! Hadn't thought of that. Another reader thought the "she" was an animal. I love the ambiguity. AND thank you for giving Tom Cornfoot a try. I think you would like his archived work.
Very clever interpretation of a Baha'i prayer. Beautiful. And the 50-word version of Fright makes me shudder.
Also, David Zoll is going to write a guest post for Ring Around the Basin. Are you still interested? Feel free to let your mind wander to any subject. Maybe I'll write to some other folks. IDK.
Truthfully, I am not sure what "Guest posting" is all about. Let me say - you could take ANY previous posting of mine and use it any way you like. As far as writing something new specifically for Around the Basin, I can scarcely keep up with Leaves as it is. Then there is all the reading.... sigh.
I feel your pain. Keeping up with the reading is "an embarrassment of riches," as Jeff would say. As for guest posts, I already have a backlog of old stuff as well as new ideas that are constantly inspired by other Substackers, you especially. I'm having a ball with 50- and 100-word vignettes. So, the heat's off for a new guest piece, but I'll keep your work in mind for the lean times.
I intended to write something scary here and it sort of turned into something more for children with the sing-song rhyming pattern that arose. Spook story for the younger crowd. Who knows where this stuff comes from...?
I liked the new ending the Night Terrors gave to your previous version--a turning of the tables and hope for overcoming whatever it is that drives the nightmares. Thanks for bringing my attention to the talented writer Tom Cornfoot.
Thanks, Barrie. I feel the same as you when I read Tom's little stories. And then there is Jim Cummings who is so damned talented he makes me want to arrest myself for impersonating a writer. Thanks for giving Tom a look. He merits it.
I think we’re both better than we’d ever admit to ourselves 😉 … but it’s good to recognise the other talented folk and gather inspiration as we make our own writing journeys. I love that good writers like you are celebrating other good writers like Tom. 💛✍️💛
Yes, thank you, Barrie. We need to help each other. Sometimes excellent writers are just hidden away, whereas so many mundane, inexperienced writers -- who bring with them a monumental social media presence, are flourishing. Being discovered is slower for those of us who are quieter. But just my tiny invitation has generated several new subscribers for Tom. I am glad!
Nope. Can't go there.
Night Terrors: I really like how you've boiled this down from the original story. It's even more effective as a poem. Beautiful in a creepy way.
Re: Tom Cornfoot: I just read "The River." Outstanding story and wonderful writing. Thank you for spotlighting him. We need more literary fiction like this on Substack.
Thanks for giving Tom a try. I well remember when you started out on shaky legs. Look at you now - so many fans!
Regarding this poem, I intended it to be creepy, but it morphed into something more Dr. Seuss-like with the silly rhymes that kept jumping in. A children's spook story.
Is "She" a She, or a spider? Either way, cool! Like Tom Cornfoot. Thanks for recommending!
Good question! Hadn't thought of that. Another reader thought the "she" was an animal. I love the ambiguity. AND thank you for giving Tom Cornfoot a try. I think you would like his archived work.
Spiders with webs are females. Male spiders roam the alleyways like tomcats.
No kidding? Wow. I guess I've been stomping on all the males... Thanks for improving my education, Richard.
Very clever interpretation of a Baha'i prayer. Beautiful. And the 50-word version of Fright makes me shudder.
Also, David Zoll is going to write a guest post for Ring Around the Basin. Are you still interested? Feel free to let your mind wander to any subject. Maybe I'll write to some other folks. IDK.
Truthfully, I am not sure what "Guest posting" is all about. Let me say - you could take ANY previous posting of mine and use it any way you like. As far as writing something new specifically for Around the Basin, I can scarcely keep up with Leaves as it is. Then there is all the reading.... sigh.
I feel your pain. Keeping up with the reading is "an embarrassment of riches," as Jeff would say. As for guest posts, I already have a backlog of old stuff as well as new ideas that are constantly inspired by other Substackers, you especially. I'm having a ball with 50- and 100-word vignettes. So, the heat's off for a new guest piece, but I'll keep your work in mind for the lean times.
Excellent, Sharron! And thank you for recommending Tom’s work. I’ll have to check out his stories.
You'll like his work. The kid's got it all going on, I'd say.
Excellent as always, Sharron.
I really love the rhythm and word choice of Night Terror. "Darkling" is such an excellent word.
I intended to write something scary here and it sort of turned into something more for children with the sing-song rhyming pattern that arose. Spook story for the younger crowd. Who knows where this stuff comes from...?
PS thanks for the spotlight on Tom. Will be having a read.
Highly recommended, Nathan. Have a look! Beats me why he has not been "discovered".
I liked the new ending the Night Terrors gave to your previous version--a turning of the tables and hope for overcoming whatever it is that drives the nightmares. Thanks for bringing my attention to the talented writer Tom Cornfoot.
I hope you will give Tom a try. I am very impressed with his talent. Thanks for reading this second, shorter version of my terror-fest.... ha ha ha
I already read one of the stories you suggested. He is a fine writer.
Yay! Thank you, KC.
Excellent introduction to Tom. Another writer whose words make many of mine seem clumsy. The River is excellent
Thanks, Barrie. I feel the same as you when I read Tom's little stories. And then there is Jim Cummings who is so damned talented he makes me want to arrest myself for impersonating a writer. Thanks for giving Tom a look. He merits it.
I think we’re both better than we’d ever admit to ourselves 😉 … but it’s good to recognise the other talented folk and gather inspiration as we make our own writing journeys. I love that good writers like you are celebrating other good writers like Tom. 💛✍️💛
Yes, thank you, Barrie. We need to help each other. Sometimes excellent writers are just hidden away, whereas so many mundane, inexperienced writers -- who bring with them a monumental social media presence, are flourishing. Being discovered is slower for those of us who are quieter. But just my tiny invitation has generated several new subscribers for Tom. I am glad!
An opening here for ‘The Quiet Writers’ Society’. The ripples flow so much better when the quiet folk gently amplify one another.
oh! I like it, Barrie.
I have to ask: is the any chance that Tom Cornfoot suffers from hammer toes?
Gee, Switter, no idea. But the man can write like crazy, that we know for sure!. Whatever the condition of his feet.
So evocative!!! Always!