I look forward to your columns!

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Thanks so much, Joan! I am glad you are finding stories of interest over here at Leaves. You have a million writers to choose from - thank you for choosing me.

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Don’t need ugly glasses to see the difference a few years makes in a determined woman that has to express herself to be heard and seen . Pictures help express the conditions of rural America. Thanks for opening my eyes.

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It was quite a childhood when compared with today's children, that's for sure. Thank you, Richard, for recognizing my mom's fortitude.

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My daughter and three pals were miles ahead of the other kids, so were sent to a different room with "workbooks" to keep them busy. They all went to college and found satisfying careers, made good families, and their kids are off to college now too. The four of them are still like sisters, traveling across country to be together. California to Colorado this week. Elementary teachers let me draw for the school newsletter when my work was done. Math teacher was angry frustrated woman. hahaha that was 70 years ago, so kids are safe from her now. I loved the rest, but I'm still getting over her.... need absolute silence and preparation to keep a checkbook. Be kind to the kids in your life.

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Teachers - good and bad - certainly have lasting effects. If they only knew. I remember one teacher very vividly as being harmless, mild mannered and absolutely incompetent. Even at age 14 I understood I was gaining nothing from being in his class. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this, Kate.

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What a life back then, and she sure overcame it well.

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Yes, she did. And we loved her for it. Thank you, Linda for having a second look at this story.

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What a wonderful historical sense you have of the feelings and ultimate persistence of the good students usually the girls. It’s always gratifying to see how resilient the human spirit is.

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It sure is. Thank you, Jill! I have written about 10 stories for the Katy memoir. There are still a few untold! I need to get busy.

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Just a suggestion--but never a need to "get busy" I gave that up 3 years ago.

Instead I use Full. Your bucket may be full to overflowing, but Full has a touch of that positivity that bizzzzzzzy (hah!) doesn't.

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Great account from someone on the inside, Sharron! 💚

(I read that and it sounds like I’m talking about someone in prison. Hmm. Something to it.)

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Ha ha ha! Yes, it does. Thanks for reading about my mom, Jack.

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Those two pictures tell the whole story. I so admire Katy's perseverance and fortitude in such circumstances. I had to smile - the desks certainly looked familiar.

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Well, familiar, yes. I still remember old desks bolted to the floor in rown and inkwell. ( Though we never used the inkwells. I remember the smell of those old desk, when you lifted the lid, the smell of graphite, rubber erasers, old flaky wood, dust, fossilized chewing gum...

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All true

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.. damn ! ! .. blowaway !! 🍁🍁🍁 !! from the canadian judges .. damn ! ! 🍁🍁🍁 eh !

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The setting was, I am sure, not much different from where you came from, though I am guessing you are much too young, Timber, to actually remember THIS particular era. Still the memories of our early school days are strong and lasting, aren't they?

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.. absolutely - re early school days ! But there’s many would prefer i remain silent re mid 50’s Toronto Catholic School ‘Education. Can’t speak re German Immigrants on either side of the border, though surely my maternal Great Grandmother & Grandma could relate 1800’s & onward into the 1900’s Manitoba & North Dakota.

Entering Grade 8 very early 60’s the Catholic Educational system of violence, bullying that was so Vicious - Suddenly Ended as I was moved to the new Family Farm - named ‘Kaleida after its forbearer just north of Pipestone, North Dakota. But the little Red Schoolhouse on a corner of our farm was closed along with all the rest of them in Wellington County & we rode school buses !

I moved there with a spinster Aunt who was ‘educated near Manitou, Manitoba & have to say - she & her sisters, much like the other older generation females of the Irish Cassin Family were ambitious & entrepreneurial & there’s a long heritage of Educators & Writers..

I’ve held off ‘publishing Substack NewsLetters’ (my ‘memoir stylings’) re much of my early days & daze .. experiences such as learning to drive - was behind teams of horses on neighbouring farms at age 12.. & yes I learned to shoot guns & kill things too.. But our feral roots as abandoned children & my intensely ‘visual & aural nature - just don’t ’fit well - here in ‘substack .. haha - where most have no idea what is meant when writing “I saw Sputnik overhead .. or “i’ve Strontium 90 in my bones.. or ‘had classmates who survived Polio.. or “my classmate was a thalidomide survivor.

What I find ‘fascinating, intriguing, challenging & informative or exciting is far too diverse for an Algorithm or its ‘handler to envision .. I ‘get it’ though.. & it distinctly reminds how I was Punished as a child - for ‘being different’ - no Mom no Dad.. raised by prairie women ! Haha.. being ostracized via algorithm ! Who knew ? Eh !


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These would be marvelous stories, though, Timber. Stories with true drama, trauma, pathos, redemption, liberation. The stuff of real life. You could begin easy with 100-word memories. I would read them.

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My sister’s writing of such stuff is a hard act to follow .. !

I’ve about 7 ‘memoir stylings’ in my gallery of 86 Posts - & almost zero of those 86 exceed 5 min duration - reading or watching - haha & one of which attempts to ‘List The Jobs I’ve Done For A Living .. ie ‘been there done it got the t-shirt & the tattoo .. & not to mention that being a ‘shooter is a Passport to Amazing ‘Places.. some pretty ‘el freako - I’ve about 125 in varying stages in my files.. & mebbe one ‘works at 100 words.. dunno - never occurred to me to try. 5 minutes or under = ‘short story oe memoir styling to me.. & any ‘fictional character I’m creating is going to get 5 minutes in writing .. via several drafts & not at all unusual that ‘written story may become a ‘chapter

despite the odd ‘Title.. pauly wally is in fact a ‘memoir styling from the farm.. .. another sample is the one set in Las Vegas & leaving las vegas haha ! .. or hitchhiking to Banff .. or Setting A Woman On Fire ..


& for those who ain’t seen it.. Trackstars.. Heroes of Motion Picture has people hurting themselves laughing for good reason .. & Andy trained me as a bartender .. & is a legend of ‘the Art of Foley .. haha

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I have never read any of your stories, Timber, as I didn't realize you had two substacks. The one I was looking at showed no posts. Now I have found the one with all your posts.

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Say Wha ? Am super intrigued eh ! I’ve a ‘ghost Salamander Site !

Must visit it for myself ! Does it include my Notes Section ?

Would slay to see a ‘screen grab of the Front Page !

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After seeing the first picture of the school, I felt like I had gone to an upscale district, although I didn’t think so at the time. Early 1960, still 80 one room schools in Wisconsin.

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Wow! IS that a fact!? Even in the 60s. Rural areas were often the worst provided for. So much consolidation to save expense, such poorly prepared teachers who received little payment and had so few tools for the difficult job they were given.

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Well it wasn’t the caliber of schooling I had 1st through 3rd grade, in town. After moving out to the country, I coasted for years, just reading to fill the time I would otherwise be studying. All of the schools in the district are still standing, although repurposed.

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Wow, Katy really endured some horrible years before she ran off to the safety of the wide world. Why were people so mean? I guess it was the hard life and limited resources in a tough environment that instilled that kind of temperament in people. By the 50s, when I was in grade school, the teachers were still cranky and always wore Jersey dresses and orthopedic shoes. Then there was Mrs. Rigby, the sweetest lady in that school. When our class complained about a hard time with the teacher who taught us music, Mrs. Rigby was in tears and marched out of the room in anger. We don't know if she went directly to the principal and approached the other teacher, but our music sessions were on a better keel after that. It was strange to have a teacher stick up for us. I loved Mrs. Rigby.

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I love her, too. She earned her place in heaven. Kids need an advocate! Thanks for sharing these memories, Sue, - especially about the teachers' apparel. I can see it.

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One word comes to mind when I read about Katy: Indomitable. You were so wise to record her memories. Thank you for sharing this, Sharron. I'm sure it's bittersweet for you as it is for us who read it.

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Yes, it is. Actually, my family is very small and there are only about three people who care about these stories. I admit I write them selfishly, in order to keep her alive and present. She is sorely missed. Thank you Jim for having a second look.

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Katy is always good for putting things in perspective. Thanks, Sharron.

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Right you are! Our lives today are so free and easy in comparison. We stand on the shoulders of our old ones, don't we, Ron?

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Yes, I believe that's true.

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My goodness. The degree to which some teachers berated and humiliated students is unfathomable to me. These retellings show Katy’s determination and willpower. She had so many obstacles thrown her way.

I feel lucky to simply know of her through your work!

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Thank you Justin. As for teachers, I know of at least two who understood their impact on a child's life and treated them with kindness and respect - you and me! It is often the only kindness and respect they receive.

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I love your Katy reminisces, Sharron. She epitomizes my belief that learning lies in the hands of the student. Teachers have a role to play and they can inspire and support their students but a determined student can succeed if they possess sufficient desire. Katy is a great example. While reading this, I was reminded of Laura Ingalls Wilder's experience as a student and teacher in North Dakota in the late 1800's.

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I think motivation is the key. The drive to shoot for a goal. Some students have it naturally; others can be inspired by an inspired teacher.

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I agree.

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🩷Thank you

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