Extreme simplicity is not a wonderful thing. Grampa did not want a baby in the house and everybody knows that comes from dancing with boys.... and you might not go home to deal with the cows. Did he take Gramma to dances to get his own kids? Or did the stork just drop them off.
Extreme simplicity is not a wonderful thing. Grampa did not want a baby in the house and everybody knows that comes from dancing with boys.... and you might not go home to deal with the cows. Did he take Gramma to dances to get his own kids? Or did the stork just drop them off.
Extreme simplicity is not a wonderful thing. Grampa did not want a baby in the house and everybody knows that comes from dancing with boys.... and you might not go home to deal with the cows. Did he take Gramma to dances to get his own kids? Or did the stork just drop them off.
"Dancing leads to sex." An old Catholic school rhetoric. In the 70s we women learned that sex can lead to dancing! Umm...so I am told.