A giggle of long-haired girls, a circus of the senses. Brilliant! I felt like i was there.

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.. a giggle.. a circus.. I ‘wished I was there !

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You are young. You still have time, my friend. Dream big!

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I giggle. I’m a real circus. I am there. 🤪

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Oh, thank you, Terry. My entire focus on travel writing is to evoke a sense of place - the smell, sight, taste, sound, feel of it. That is what has stayed in my memories the longest.

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The entire focus of my travel experience at times was to avoid remembering certain SMELLS, some of the sights, a few of the TASTES, a few of the sounds, but I always enjoyed the feel of it. The ambience, I called it.

And if I had a chance to do it all over again, I’d choose to do so in a heartbeat, which, of course, I’d take better care of the second time around.

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Baron Philippe de Rosthchild was asked once - ‘what was the greatest wine you ever tasted ?’ He took so long thinking back.. they thought perhaps he fell asleep .. but lo !

‘it was in a mountain guide hut.. snowed in, high in the Pyranees .. a peasant table wine.. with my fourth wife.. or fifth ..’ This stuff really is ‘intangible.. the ambience per Switter’s World among others.. capturing in words is like catching lightning in a bottle .. or as I often call it ‘painting with words’.. I ‘got it’ right away this AM.. the short & the long of ‘it’

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Think Brian Ferry - Roxy Music touches on this .. These Foolish Things


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Cool. I never heard of this singer. A very unique voice.

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.. dazzling delightful decadent charm.. mercie beaucoup cherie Sharron !

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I go back there any time I like... only now, alas, my travels are just in my head.

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.. I know the reality of that !

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Mar 23Liked by Sharron Bassano

It sounds like there’s food everywhere. Good food and strong coffee.

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Mmmm, yes, John. Food for the body, food for the soul, food for the libido...

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Mar 23Liked by Sharron Bassano

Wow! With this sentence you brought back and described the feeling I remember having at times when I was young and single… “Promises of clever conversation and short-term romance permeate the cool evening air.”

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Oooo, yes. Karen. Me too. It is amazing how our psyches managed to survive our youth relatively unscathed...

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Mar 23Liked by Sharron Bassano

So great - perfect piece - and I went back and re-read the longer version too!

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Thanks, Linda!

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I love this, Sharron - it's so evocative! The last part leaves just the right amount of intrigue:

"...making you hunger for something – you are not sure for what exactly, but you feel absolutely certain it can be found here in La Huchette tonight."

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Thanks, sweet girl. I LOVED your slugg-ish piece this week. I loved the photo of the snail crossing the road, and your concern about squashing the search party. Hilarious.

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Awwww, thank you, Sharron!! 🐌

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A group of long-haired girls is called a giggle. Love it.

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Their primary trait. Seemed fitting. Like a murder of crows. A gaggle of geese. A waddle of ducks. Thanks for sorting through your inbox and choosing Leaves, Clancy

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Mar 24Liked by Sharron Bassano

"making you hunger for something –you are not sure for what exactly, but you feel absolutely certain it can be found here in La Huchette tonight."

You bring back memories of exciting youthful nights, full of possibilities--the same the world-over it seems. I love the phrase "giggle of girls" and your sensory depiction of the setting.

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Thank you, my friend

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Mar 24Liked by Sharron Bassano

A delicate balance between the immediacy of the now and yearning for the future. Well written and enticing, Sharron.

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Thanks for choosing to read over here at Leaves, Amie. You have so many options - I am honored.

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Mar 24Liked by Sharron Bassano

Made me feel “ I wish I was there”. Lovely!

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Thank you, Yael. Me,too.

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Mar 24Liked by Sharron Bassano

Vividly descriptive. I'm there whilst reading this. Really good, Sharron.

"geometric arrangements of bright tomatoes and peppers." -- my favourite line.

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Oh, thanks, Nathan. You have so many writers to choose from. I m honored you would choose 🌿 Leaves! Glad you liked this one.

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Really lovely and thank you for the link to the longer version!

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Glad you liked it CJ. Thanks for reading over here at Leaves.

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