Flea begone with aromatic plants like artemisias, herbs of mint and rosemary. My Maine coon could not wait to be brushed with a flea comb. Never used flea goop. Raymond’s smart to hide and avoid the ordeal.

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ok out with it.... recipe and application. KittyBoy (ancient wild Maine Coon in my house) too sensitive to the vet stuff. He eats the mints outside in the kitchen garden but no access to what could maybe be artemesia in front fields. Have Rosemary leaves in a jar. Fleas in adjacent apartment cost 2 hazmat suits, 4 months of bombs, new carpet, reseal floors, repaint walls, ceilings, alllll surfaces just incase an egg got there by itself. Thousands of dollars. Worse than a fire. He mats like a wool sweater in the washer. No chance of any kind of comb or brush more than two swipes. Stealth scissors. Too old and arthritic to be "groomed" AKA stripped. Solid armor with a flea underneath would kill us both.

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Kitty Boy is a sweet, lovable old mess. Just let him be - there is a point when one just has to concede.

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Use repellent herbs in the cat’s bedding. My Oliver was almost 20 when he died. Brushed daily so fur would not mat. Fresh herbs can be strewn around outside. Leaving a house and using diatomaceous earth on rugs and high heat kills fleas . Vacuum rugs. Wear a mask to avoid any dust. Fleas are tough but can be beat w/o expensive chemicals.

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Sharron, I'm sorry I couldn't make the interview. Thanks for the invite! I had looked forward to it. Was tired from the night before staying up with Bobbie as she diligently watched the coons and possums and one skunk have their way in the back yard. Bobbie also flatly rejects any move toward applying the flea goop. She sure loves Raymond. I do, too. "Everybody Loves Raymond". Looking forward to the next pawed-cast!

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Ha ha ha! Wasn't a fit night out for man nor beast. Ray says he'll catch you next time, James Ron. You'll have to write a little Bobbie story for us now.

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.. eat the salamander & die .. neow ! 🦎🏴‍☠️

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Beware! Danger lurks in so many unexpected places.

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Raymond has your writing talent! 😍

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Ghost-writing, if the truth be told...

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This was so much fun! Love all the photos! And I learned something: never eat a salamander!

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Euw! You'd have to be pretty darned hungry to make THAT mistake. Ray salutes you!

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Great Pawdcast, Raymond. You really nailed the French Bulldog accent! I'm sorry James and Rebecca stood you up. Just FYI: My little "incident" at the 7-Eleven has been adjudicated and I am available for interview at any time that I am not serving my "Community Service" hours. Call me!

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I will definitely keep in touch, Jim. I am sure Ray's listeners would be very interested in the musings of an unjustly accused jailbird...

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Just delightful - as usual. I so look forward to reading about Raymond and his adventures. I had to smile at the under-the-covers trick, Bella, the shyer cat, does that as well.

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Okay, Janice. Now YOU will have to write about Bella and her housemate. A little departure.

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I'd love to just quit fussing with the knots in his fur, BUT they grow and spread to solid armor shell. The skin underneath is pulled so tight its hard to walk. It sweats, it gets fungus, it gets sore and sores. Then it has to be shaved by professionals. They are not gentle. They don't care if he has arthritis. They don't care if they hurt him or pull joints out of place. Had to do it once years ago. He screamed for three days at home. They did not sedate him as I told them. He's older and more fragile now. I won't let that happen to him ever again. So scissors twice today. Got half one solid tangle. Can't concede.

Ancient porch cat Goldie refused even eye contact for his first 17 years. At 19 now he is not well and camps on the porch. I've been able to pet one stroke while he eats catered food. Miracle of miracles he allowed me to pick him up this January and sit with him. His back half is solid brick. Over months he's allowed some picking at his armor and was able to get off a 2 in by 3 in section. In daylight I could see that there was NO fur remaining in that part. I was shocked that the long fur fell off after it was released from the mat. I had to quit till it is above freezing outside. Still sit with him and pet him. Can't bring him inside till he's over a snotty cold that would infect the other antiques. Fur is covering now )) but armor is still there almost an inch thick. I want him to live long enough to feel Spring again and hunt the meadow again, but he has to be able to move to do that. Heated nest, heated water, catered warm meals, free feed crunchies. and litter. That's the best I can do for him till warm. I sure hope he'll shed some. KittyBoy is about the same age, longer fur, fragile as well. I can't let him make armor. I'm a cat mommy so I have to fuss.

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This reads like the trials of Job. What a challenge.

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Thanks. )) Herbs in their nests. That will make a party alright. I've tried the diatomaceous earth powder almost an inch thick on the kitchen floor. Fleas came right up through the floor boards and up through the powder. I could see them well enough to pick them up and put them in a pill bottle. No rugs there. Nesting blankets machine washed and dried often. Boxes replaced often. So far so good after years in my apartment ))) We didn't have to go the empty apartment disaster route. We surmise some wild thing got into the crawspace below the kitchen and released all its fleas to hunt my kitties just above them. We have a lot of wild things in the middle of the farms here. Oliver was a fortunate cat who enjoyed having glorious fur. ))

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Euw. Yuck. Sorry, Kate. With all you got going on, you don't need this. The things we do for love.

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Raymond, you are such a good garden protector. :).

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It is in his Housemates' Agreement. Garden patrol. Rodent Eradication. Free Entertainment. His primary jobs.

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I did once or twice. And I've thought of it several times again - just not a way to do it - yet. But definitely a thought in my mind. Thanks.

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Had a cardboard cat when we drove the big truck. He's in a shelf of books here now. )))

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Gee, Raymond, I'd've joined you like a shot as a guest on your Pawed-Cast if it hadn't been for the sheer depths of my own winter funk, for which you are - in writing, might I add - recommending hiding under the bedspread. Heck, that's where I must have been when your invitation arrived. Apologies, my friend. And never mind the bedspread - you have a HOTBOX? That's a fantastic life right there - who cares about the flea goop and the supposed risk to life presented by accidental consumption of a salamander..... I mean heck, Ray, just don't EAT it, okay?

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Great advice, Rebecca. Let's wait until the sunshine returns ( will it ever?) and Ray will send you an invitation and two or three interview questions in advance. How about that?

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A lot of fun reading this Sharron, thanks!

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Not sure, but I think Raymond is more interesting to others of his own kind, but he is such a publicity hound ( if you will excuse the canine terminology) I believe he will actually feature the four interviewees who failed to show up for their pawed cast dates -- maybe in a couple of weeks.

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I enjoy reading about Raymond. Thanks

Chloe and Yoyo cat.

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Thank you Chloe. I think Yoyo and Raymond should become pen pals!

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