excellent. A veritable chortlefest!

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Thanks, Terry, for taking part in this spoof. I knew I could count on you, my friend.

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Such a pleasure being part of your Pawed Cast! I hope I have absorbed some of the ability of all those involved! Thank you, Sharron, and Raymond. You made it work, for sure! And I can both see and smell Santa Cruz-by-the-Sea. Like Monterey. About time I refreshed those memories. Thanks again!

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It was fun, James Ron! Thanks for agreeing to play along with this foolishness!

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Sounds like a good crowd of writers! And dear Raymond, still keeping others up all night too....

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Yes. It 's possible Ray will bring in other writers in the next pod cast... who knows? Thanks Linda.

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That is a great shot of the Venetian blind debacle, and some quick thinking on Kayla’s part!

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Yes! Imagine being there at exactly the right moment with a camera at hand! A real winner! Thanks, John.

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I love that photo of Raymond cat sunning himself outside. :).

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Ray is definitely a hedonist. The pursuit of pleasure is the most important thing. Thanks for reading about Ray, Olga.

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Hi Sharron, enjoyed the interview with your talented guests very much - and especially liked seeing Jim Cummings from All Day Long involved. He is one of my favorite writers here on Substack. Thanks for sharing - Jim

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Yes. Jim Cummings. If I could subscribe to only one Substack writer, it would be him. He is so modest and unassuming. I think he doesn't realize how good his fiction actually is. Not nearly enough readers have discovered him in my opinion.

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Thank you, Sharron. And thanks for introducing me to Raymond!

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Thank you Jim. Very kind of you. I am looking forward to catching up on your newest posts.

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Jim, I'm superficial as hell. Honestly, it's the blue shades, I want a pair of those so damn bad. Seriously though, I love the style of your writing and your stories never disappoint, so the compliment was sincere. Have a good one today.

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Haha! It's all about the shades down here in the Sunshine State. Thank you for the support, Jim

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You bet, and here in Texas too. Trouble is I either lose them or break them in a matter of a week or two.

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Thank you Raymond for letting us visit the left edge of the country. So sorry to hear of your adventure with the blinds. The sound of them likely added to the distress of having a snarling dog so close...tho safely on the other side of the glass. There is rain predicted for the next 5 days. That pretty much guarantees the mice will not be out. LIke cats, mice do not like wet feet. The leaves on your Japanese Irises appear to be the same length as ours here. I wonder if they'll bloom the same time. Mr. Goldie is allowing me to remove bits of his armor built out of depression for loss of his lifelong buddy. He'll be back hunting the meadow when its off and get stronger. Armor is immobilizing so he's mostly in his heated nest. He is speaking again. A good sign. He used to read aloud while he walked. Whole Encyclopedias starting at A. I'm waiting for volume R.

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Ha ha ha. You know cats, Kate. That's for sure. I will send your commiseration to Ray. That altercation with the Venetian blind was traumatic! Best of luck to Goldie.

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Oh Sharron, Raymond, this is absolutely BRILLIANT - I'm laughing my socks off over here!

Thank you so much for the kind invitation to participate in your Pawed Cast - it was a delightful experience, especially in such illustrious company!


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You were so sweet to take part. I come up with some pretty "out there" ideas. In fact I am working on a piece right now with the opening line, "The first time I killed a man was..." Is it fiction? I hope so...

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'The first time I killed a man was....' oh, Sharron!!!!!!! 🫣

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I loved this….. obviously very talented guests who know humor and how to turn a phrase that garners attention. I’ll definitely look up their posts.

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Thanks Wade. That is what I was hoping for. They were all such good sports in this. They write completely different things but all have a voice and a viewpoint that are very inviting in their own way.

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Hi Sharron, As you know, I love Raymond - getting caught in the blinds is classic - and his interviews most insightful. Delightful in every way.

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Aw, thanks, Janice. You understand Ray and he knows it. I will pass along your note.

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A story worthy of 9 lives. Thank you Raymond for sunning your chin on concrete and getting entangled in the Venetian blinds. Will check out the writers you interviewed.

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Thanks, Sharon. Each one is very different from the other. But all super at what they do. Let me know what you think.

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What a great idea to share Ray’s interviews with us! Very entertaining, and a great look into other writers’ thoughts, as well as a good laugh! Thanks to you and Raymond, and the wit of your guests! Good sports, all!

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Thanks, Sharon. Ray is a busy guy -- and well-read.

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Raymond is extremely handsome. Thanks 🙏

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I will go tell him you said that, Yael. He is shedding his thick winter fur right now, and is feeling a little scruffy and straggly.

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Spring is in the air. He’ll be okay😉

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Thanks for including me Raymond. I enjoyed hanging out with all the cool cats here!

I'm glad the weather has become more suitable for feline frolicking. Hoping to hear more about your adventures soon.

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I am a big fan, Jim. I especially liked that last story about Casali. Talk about a cool cat! But, you know, cool in the wrong sort of way. I was honored to have all four of you on the pawed cast. Thanks!

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It was fun. Thank you for doing it Sharron.

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I'm stealing your photo of Raymond and the moon. He looks just like Buda.

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You bet.

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I'm not a huge cat lover but confess I'm falling for Raymond!

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Thanks, CJ, for reading Ray! He IS a funny boy. A fine source of entertainment.

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