deletedSep 19, 2023Liked by Sharron Bassano
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Thanks, Mitchell. A precocious cat. But he doesn't get into much trouble because he sleeps 20 hours a day...

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Hilarious, Sharron. Very clever concept. Sign me up for the pawed cast!

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Jim Cummings - Charter member! Don't mention it to Quinny and Molly!

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Sharron Bassano

Very good! .... Our two neighborly cats are no longer here, and this morning we awoke to a wonderful unidentifiable, gut-wrenching (literally) gift on our driveway from a third cat, who, sensing a vacuum of cat life on our lane, seems to have done some overnight hunting of SOMEthing that didn't agree with him....on our walkabout later we spied him happily sauntering down the main road...so glad HE'S feeling better! ...

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Ah, well... what can you do? Thanks for reading Ray's pawed-cast!

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Sharron Bassano

You are guaranteed a working mouser. Very lucky you. First barf for notice of employment. Might not need another. Bowl of water outside your door would be token of appreciation.

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Sharron Bassano

Only dogs insist on titles. Cats are themselves...one title per. (purrer) Same double herd here. Ancient all of them. Mimi 19 Goldie 17 Hansel and Gretl twins 11, KittyBoy not telling, adult 10 years ago when he signed the lease. Between the five of them no mouse has the nerve to twitch a whisker where I can see it. Occasional "trophies" for tally. Rare chipmunk now. Apparently as delicious as squirrel ))) Mustn't eat the whole thing as acorns are not good for feline digestion... at all... voles for catching only. Always employ mousers faster than yourself. It saves a lot of time.

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023Author

Sounds like they have found secure employment with all the perks!

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Love this, Sharron!

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Thanks Ms Palmisano! Just a bit of fun.

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"Clawdius" - That's a good name! You are very good with these cat stories, Sharron.

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I don't have a cat, but I like to watch them! Ray lives with my boy and his wife.

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023Liked by Sharron Bassano

I love Raymond's stories. He certainly is a busy one.

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Now that he has given up local politics, he has a lot of time on his paws. He is a funny boy.

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hilarious! And thanks for the mention, even though it was untrue: my bike has 8 speeds, not 10  😂

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Feb 27Author

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Next time, at least throw on the dressing gown!

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it would get in the way of the chain!

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Sharron, this was absolutely BRILLIANT - an awesome (pawesome?) post!

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Hah! I will let Ray know. He'll no doubt subscribe you!

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Hilarious! I did not know that Raymond had a part time job, in pest control.

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He has already dispatched all the rodents in his own yard and sometimes adventures farther afield. Glad you liked it, Sharon!

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I should have beat feet to visit with Raymond last night, since I was awake listening to the coyotes. Nonetheless, this was a fine and fun read at 2:30 in the afternoon. Sweet dreams, Raymond.

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That Raymond! He does a lot of dreaming - he sleeps 20 hours a day. Remind where you are that you hear coyotes at night.? We are over run with them in Santa Cruz. I leave the window open at night to hear their yip yip yip yip lullaby.

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We're in Prescott, AZ. Lots of space here, so the coyotes have their special places. But there's a den very near our house and the nights are often filled with a joyous celebration after an evening hunt.

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It is an other-worldly sound, isn't it. I look forward to it every night. Almost as welcome as the sound of rain.

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I absolutely love this! Thanks for the laughs to start my day. Sign me up for the pawed-cast!

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Subscribed! Ray is a pretty funny guy. For a cat.

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A cat’s life is tough. 🤓

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Pawed-Cast is bite-sized cat fun.

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Raymond is interviewing four Substack writers on his Pawd-Cast in a couple of weeks - Jim Cummings, Terry Freedman, Rebecca Holden and James Ron are on the panel. Stay tuned.

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