A short photo-exposé for the illustrious members of the Raymond Fan club, otherwise knows as the Raybots. ( You know who you are.)
Far be it from me to gossip, but in order to give you some new insights into Raymond’s character, I just felt you should know. Raymond’s been sleeping around. No, it is true. No doubt, he would be mortified if he knew I’d told you, but fortunately, he does not subscribe to 🌿Leaves. I hope.
Rumor has it that Ray favors a four-night stand; he rarely sleeps in any one place longer than that. After four days, he gets itchy and bored and has to just move on. I have followed him around with my hidden camera for a month and here is the evidence.
Come to think of it, if YOU have been having trouble sleeping, you might want to consider a consultation with Raymond — he’s a nap-master par excellence. He could give you a lesson in where and how to get the job done! Discounts for Raybots!
Raymond’s Theme song - triple-click arrow
Now, in the comments, please let us know about you:
My favorite sleeping place is ………. because….
A place I slept once but would never do it again is ….
You would be shocked to find out that I used to sleep …
Someday I would like to sleep ( in/on/with) …
I have been working on my “cat nap” after dinner. About ten minutes does the trick.
Our cat, Crispin’s favorite nap place is on the couch, against me or my wife’s leg.
Moved too many times and too many cots, sofas, floors, futon, air mattress etc. most uncomfortable place was on a thin foam mattress in San Gabriel mts on a dry rocky river bed. I could see the stars but in morning rolling up sleeping bag and mattress discovered I slept on a baby rattle snake. Left the critter alone not to disturb and headed for home.
Best place was next to my Maine coon cat Oliver.