I always lose a few subscribers when I put Raymond out there. Not everyone is into cats. But then there are so many Raybots who wait for the next Pawed-cast or story. It is worth the risk.
because its piled with 17lbs of handspun handwove blankets, topped with a quilt, super cozy....choose layer to sleep in depending on hot or cold season.
A place I slept once but would never do it again is ….
6-man wood plank bed in a fort, head end raised (for quick rising American Revolution soldiers) No cush at all, packed like sardines so no turnovers.
You would be shocked to find out that I used to sleep …
In a running semi, in the "bed" behind the two front seats, bouncing with road bumps while Dan drove his shift. Felt like sleeping in a wash machine. Wrecked my hair. but was always within 2 ft of my darlin. Trade places for my shift. When we were both awake, right seat navigated or read aloud.
Someday I would like to sleep ( in/on/with) …
in my silent blackout room heedless of dizziness, no migraine.... through the whole night.
17 pounds of blankets! Wowie! But, sleeping on a plank with five other people? Urg. Sounds like torture. However I WOULD sleep on a plank if Tom Hiddleston were next to me. ( I would sleep anywhere with Tim Hiddleston.) I can just see you and Dan in that old big rig. If you were a writer, what tales you could tell, Kate
I don't know who Tom Hiddleston is, but I'd write you a permission slip as if you needed one. )) My tales are the letters I write to good friends around the world. The semi was fun. New place everyday, factories excited about the new goodies. We stopped along the way to pick seeds of non-Indiana flowers that did eventually get planted here ))). Night, raining, mountains? My turn to drive. Did NOT like the cars that cut me off in traffic... like poodles dancing around my ankles. I did'nt hit any but probably scared some. Big loads do NOT stop on a dime. Steel and stone need a LOOOOOOooong way to stop. Weigh stations EACH had different rules. Thankful everytime the sign said closed. )))
Raymond is considering a journey to meet a few Michiganders - when it warms up back there. As for sleeping and hiking in the Andes? Yowza! Good for you! What a great memory, Jill
I would promise..but USPS ground might take awhile to get here and Raymond might not 'sleep around' throughout the trip,,it is after all, a couple thousand miles. Maybe pack a sippy cup with him??
Moved too many times and too many cots, sofas, floors, futon, air mattress etc. most uncomfortable place was on a thin foam mattress in San Gabriel mts on a dry rocky river bed. I could see the stars but in morning rolling up sleeping bag and mattress discovered I slept on a baby rattle snake. Left the critter alone not to disturb and headed for home.
Sharron, This is a delightful! I am definitely one of those -Raybots that is. He reminds me of my cats, especially Bailey - who takes great pleasure in finding new places just so I'll have to look.
So funny, right? They are always on the lookout for secret places to claim as their own private territory. And now you have a new piece to your identity. Bet you never thought you would become a Raybot at age 86.
A place I slept once but would never do it again is ….
I remember new years eve 1999, I fell asleep under a telephone table, woke up as the millennium fireworks were going off - ran into the garden to discover I had also fallen asleep on my dessert - cake in places I wouldnt ever describe - over the last 25 years I did wise up (a little)
My favorite sleeping place is any bed with my wife, because I want her to be the last thing I snuggle with before I go to sleep and the first thing I snuggle with when the alarm goes off (note not "wake up" — not a typo).
Raymond's living the good life, for sure. I read someone saying, "If you play when a cat plays and rest when a cat rests, you will fare well." Sounded like a good idea to me. And I sure do like laying in the sun belly up. Good song from the Mills Brothers. I remember "Up the Lazy River." That's going way back. Good one, Sharron!
I'm a Raybot!! I am a fan of ANYbody who can sleep any place, any time! I find the "Hot Box" especially intriguing. I can answer one of your questions: Someday I would like to sleep..the whole night. Love Raymond's style!
I always lose a few subscribers when I put Raymond out there. Not everyone is into cats. But then there are so many Raybots who wait for the next Pawed-cast or story. It is worth the risk.
I can't believe people would unsubscribe from your great substack page on account of Raymond! Some people have no sense of humor.
I only lost three this time. I don't mind. There are so many "stacks" to choose from, I am amazed anyone can even find me.
My favorite sleeping place is ………. because….
My tall extra- long four-poster double bed
because its piled with 17lbs of handspun handwove blankets, topped with a quilt, super cozy....choose layer to sleep in depending on hot or cold season.
A place I slept once but would never do it again is ….
6-man wood plank bed in a fort, head end raised (for quick rising American Revolution soldiers) No cush at all, packed like sardines so no turnovers.
You would be shocked to find out that I used to sleep …
In a running semi, in the "bed" behind the two front seats, bouncing with road bumps while Dan drove his shift. Felt like sleeping in a wash machine. Wrecked my hair. but was always within 2 ft of my darlin. Trade places for my shift. When we were both awake, right seat navigated or read aloud.
Someday I would like to sleep ( in/on/with) …
in my silent blackout room heedless of dizziness, no migraine.... through the whole night.
17 pounds of blankets! Wowie! But, sleeping on a plank with five other people? Urg. Sounds like torture. However I WOULD sleep on a plank if Tom Hiddleston were next to me. ( I would sleep anywhere with Tim Hiddleston.) I can just see you and Dan in that old big rig. If you were a writer, what tales you could tell, Kate
I don't know who Tom Hiddleston is, but I'd write you a permission slip as if you needed one. )) My tales are the letters I write to good friends around the world. The semi was fun. New place everyday, factories excited about the new goodies. We stopped along the way to pick seeds of non-Indiana flowers that did eventually get planted here ))). Night, raining, mountains? My turn to drive. Did NOT like the cars that cut me off in traffic... like poodles dancing around my ankles. I did'nt hit any but probably scared some. Big loads do NOT stop on a dime. Steel and stone need a LOOOOOOooong way to stop. Weigh stations EACH had different rules. Thankful everytime the sign said closed. )))
Wow! Such adventure! Amazing memories.
My favorite sleeping place is ...by the water, listening to the sursursurrrrs
I would NEVER sleep again in the Chihuahua Desert during a hot sandstorm in a tent!! ( you will hear more about this later...
Raymond can take a much needed vacation from his California sleeping around and come to Michigan if he'd like.
Anyone would be shocked that I slept in the Andes at 75 years old on top of a mountain and hiked there!
Raymond is considering a journey to meet a few Michiganders - when it warms up back there. As for sleeping and hiking in the Andes? Yowza! Good for you! What a great memory, Jill
When it warms up a bit there's a great spot for him right here!! Outside lots of play room and room to roam.
You are so kind. I could ship him to you by USPS ground service... but you'd have to promise to return him.
I would promise..but USPS ground might take awhile to get here and Raymond might not 'sleep around' throughout the trip,,it is after all, a couple thousand miles. Maybe pack a sippy cup with him??
Moved too many times and too many cots, sofas, floors, futon, air mattress etc. most uncomfortable place was on a thin foam mattress in San Gabriel mts on a dry rocky river bed. I could see the stars but in morning rolling up sleeping bag and mattress discovered I slept on a baby rattle snake. Left the critter alone not to disturb and headed for home.
Best place was next to my Maine coon cat Oliver.
Sleeping on the ground - that's the worst ever! But next to old Oliver, both of you purring, well, that is heaven.
Sharron, This is a delightful! I am definitely one of those -Raybots that is. He reminds me of my cats, especially Bailey - who takes great pleasure in finding new places just so I'll have to look.
So funny, right? They are always on the lookout for secret places to claim as their own private territory. And now you have a new piece to your identity. Bet you never thought you would become a Raybot at age 86.
I have been working on my “cat nap” after dinner. About ten minutes does the trick.
Our cat, Crispin’s favorite nap place is on the couch, against me or my wife’s leg.
Crispin. He is a good boy. I know he is. And he knows where to find heat.
He is spoiled rotten. But he loves us, in his own cat way.
A place I slept once but would never do it again is ….
I remember new years eve 1999, I fell asleep under a telephone table, woke up as the millennium fireworks were going off - ran into the garden to discover I had also fallen asleep on my dessert - cake in places I wouldnt ever describe - over the last 25 years I did wise up (a little)
Ha ha ha! I love this story! Oooooh. Cake everywhere. What a ( somewhat erotic) picture that conjures up. Not for you maybe, but definitely for me...
My favorite sleeping place is any bed with my wife, because I want her to be the last thing I snuggle with before I go to sleep and the first thing I snuggle with when the alarm goes off (note not "wake up" — not a typo).
Makes sense to me!
This gave me a chuckle. Ya gotta love cats. They really know how to live ... and nap.
Ray is a guy after my own heart. We both prize our naps. Thank you, Sue.
Raymond's living the good life, for sure. I read someone saying, "If you play when a cat plays and rest when a cat rests, you will fare well." Sounded like a good idea to me. And I sure do like laying in the sun belly up. Good song from the Mills Brothers. I remember "Up the Lazy River." That's going way back. Good one, Sharron!
Thanks, Ron, for being a true Raybot!
Raymond is the original cool cat. I'll take that warm spot in the sun belly up.
Yeah, me too. He has the right idea for 2025 if you ask me.
I'm a Raybot!! I am a fan of ANYbody who can sleep any place, any time! I find the "Hot Box" especially intriguing. I can answer one of your questions: Someday I would like to sleep..the whole night. Love Raymond's style!
Thank you for boldly stepping up and claiming your membership to the Raymond Fan Club. He would take a nap with you any day, any time, Raybot!
I probably come from Raymond’s family. I can fall asleep anywhere, everywhere and any time.
Ha! I think it has been suggested that if you want to get a senior to go to sleep, all you have to do is sit them down in an armchair... Works for me.