I think when you've only got 50 words, either you go super specific or super big, and you've gone super big here, to great effect! I love comeback stories! Also - are they your plums Sharron? They look delicious!

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No, not my. plums, but, for sure, my small understanding of the cycle of life... Thanks Conor, for reading my small stuff.

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We are all just small cogs in some great machinery serving something beyond us!

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I hope you are right about the “great machinery”. I have my doubts. Great Machinery” is an apt sobriquet, as is one other I heard this week from Justin Deming “Overhead Radar”

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Can't take credit for that one I'm afraid - stolen from a line from a Fleet Foxes song - I like it too!

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Needs no pruning. but a seasonal delight, delicious.

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Hah! Yes. Thank you, Richard, for being such a loyal reader over here at Leaves

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What are friends for? Leaves me with mulch to consider growing a tree. Bonsai.

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ha ha ha!

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Bright Side of Life ))) ONe of my favorite songs ))) I really should learn this one to sing out loud now and then. It applies. I tend toward the PollyAnna.

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Yes, I know that about you, my friend. You keep me afloat sometimes when I am drowning.

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Silly kid! No drowning allowed. Have a nice BIG chunk of chocolate cake with icecream.... or half bottle of rum... maybe all together. Then a nap with a big smile on your face. Is it snowing there yet? Got up to freezing today ))))

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33˚ and bright sunshine in a clear sky this morning. Frost on the roof here in Santa Cruz. Flannel PJs weather for us sissies.

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33! YIKES. Are you sure you live in California????? Maybe making quilts for the Gkids wasn't such an odd idea after all. ))

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It is only 32˚ from 4:00 - 6:00 am. We'll be fine. ha ha ha

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Nuffing left to say, cept Maybe ... maybe there is still time.

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Thanks Joel, for your optimism! Goodness knows the world needs it now.

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None of us can save the world, but maybe all of us can. Do your part. Thanks for the reminder.

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Ever optimistic, Wade! That is what I like about you. Well, that and cookies.

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THE ending and beginning of all endings and beginnings. You nailed this one, Sharon.

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Thanks Ken. I has been said a thousand times before, I know, but It helps to look on the bright side once in a while , however tweaked it might be.

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Sad yet optimistic ☹️😬

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Yes, well, without a bit of optimism, what is the point, I say! Thanks Connie. Now get cracking on the email avalanche....

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Very nice, Sharron. "We’ve been given one more chance."

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I wonder how many chance the human race has already been given... hmmm. Which cycle IS this? And are we failing again...?

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I sure don't know but I think humans are flawed and will ever be so. I think we are getting more right than wrong but right and wrong are made to butt heads.

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Beautiful work, my friend! Thank you!

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Thanks for the great prompt. Your prompts always take me somewhere I have never considered writing about. It is good for me to break out of my usual themes.

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"We’ve been given one more chance." -- I can't help but feel we're squandering our *only* chance at the moment.

Thought-provoking, Sharron. Thank you.

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We are all asleep at the wheel, I am afraid.

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Haunting, Sharron. It reminds me of the song “Wooden Ships” by Crosby Stills & Nash, which describes a conversation between two survivors after a nuclear holocaust.

One verse goes like this:

“Say, can I have some of your purple berries?

Yes, I've been eating them for six or seven weeks now,

Haven't got sick once.

Probably keep us both alive.”

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Thanks for reading, my friend. Wooden Ships! Yes.

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Ha! Brilliant! And THANK YOU for the Monty Python link - always an absolute hoot! x

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Loved this one

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Thank you, Vince! And welcome to Leaves. It is a huge Substack Universe, but I hope you come back sometime to this little meteor.

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