May 25Liked by Sharron Bassano

What a wonderful handful of words! O, the dastardly writers' block ... a smart enemy who knows how to persist. I'm still training myself to develop tactics against him... looking back more than 50 years!

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Dastardly! Now that is a great word, too, AT. I will add that to my treasure box.

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May 26Liked by Sharron Bassano

We're always on a journey of discovery, aren't we? Daily I find words, expressions etc that I had no idea they exist. And off they go on the registry of English language I maintain. As the Ancient Greeks said "I'm getting older but I'm always being taught a lot (of things)" !

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May 25Liked by Sharron Bassano

I have my marching orders now. To use ailurophobe and anserine somehow today in conversation.

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If you are talking about cats or geese, it will be no problem, John!

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May 25Liked by Sharron Bassano

Aaah, you beat us all to it - and what a great piece!

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A cute prompt. I look forward to YOUR rendition, Linda.

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May 25Liked by Sharron Bassano

You have a fine set of tools for when the job presents itself, Sharron!

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Words are definitely tools, James Ron. And weapons.

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May 25Liked by Sharron Bassano

Love it Sharron!

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Thanks, Deborah.

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May 25Liked by Sharron Bassano

How prescient of you…

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Prescient! Ha ha ha Another "smart" word. Thanks, Wade.

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Tact tick’s— little bugs to nip at your arachnophobia then post your words on the wall of fame. Substacks to blame. No pencil was needed. A voice could start the tempo and the rubber band snaps around the wrist. The paper clip is attached and words are read.

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You bet!

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May 25Liked by Sharron Bassano


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Thanks for reading this little post, Justine! This logophile appreciates your comment!

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May 25Liked by Sharron Bassano

Wow, Sharron!! You made that ten-word line come to life! Now I need to look up some of the words you used! Thanks for the mention!

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I am looking forward to your next post, kiddo. You have stories!

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Oh Sharron, what delicious words!

And you and I truly are kindred spirits, having both written about the blank page today - what glorious company to find myself in! And I loved the voiceover. 😊

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Mellifluous … a big favourite. And “around the writer’s block” - excellent.

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I love words. Funny, though, one word I have read in text and looked up several times - and still can't remember what it means -- inchoate. It won't stick. My brain rejects it for some reason. You have words like that?

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Increasingly. I’m off to look up inchoate!

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Ha ha ha

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.. ‘writer’s block ? Oh ! Algorithm being ‘mean to you ?🦎🏴‍☠️ (takin zero prisoners again today.. eh !

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We do what we can do, Timber.

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Jun 3Liked by Sharron Bassano

Oooh how I love these words. Anserine. I had to Google that. How delightful.

One of my favourites along a similar line is pavonine.

And so true, the words are there, they often just need to settle into place.

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Pavonine! Ooo. Great word. Wait let me guess, before looking it up. "Pavo" could refer to turkey or peacock? If so, then pavonine behavior might mean someone is strutting around like a turkey or arrogant like a peacock? Am I even close?

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Jun 4Liked by Sharron Bassano

You nailed it! Word wizard ;)

“Of or like a peacock.”

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Funny: In Spanish turkey is PAVO. Peacock is PAVO REAL - Royal Turkey. Want to guess CAPRINE, URSINE and OVINE?

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Jun 4Liked by Sharron Bassano

Hah. How funny.

Hmm, well I know ursine is bear-like, ovine presumably sheep, but caprine... I'm struggling with that one. Makes me think of capricious, but that doesn't help. I'll resist googling it...

Capricorn is goat, so goat-like?

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Hah! Good deduction!

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