It sure does, Jill. And that has to be one of the best opening lines I have ever written. ha ha ha. Who could resist? Thanks for looking back into the archive for Haylene and Marla. They now have their own special section at the top of my home page for whenever you need a little titillation or just a good laugh.
Oh my --just as I thought reading was healthy for your mind, here you go spinning me toward was Loxahoochie, wasn'tit?
An area I know all too well, yet your fun playing with puns and words has me mermaidized..or should that be mesmerized???
Writing is FUNN--(four letters on purpose) isn't it?
Gets the kinks out of your synapses.
It sure does, Jill. And that has to be one of the best opening lines I have ever written. ha ha ha. Who could resist? Thanks for looking back into the archive for Haylene and Marla. They now have their own special section at the top of my home page for whenever you need a little titillation or just a good laugh.
Let all that hootchi-hatchi go free!!
Damn straight.